
公式スピーカー/スピーカー応募者(以下「スピーカー」)は、 Pivot Tokyo株式会社/Vueloo Inc.(以下「主催者」)の定める本スピーカー規約に同意するものとする。






(3)カンファレンスの名称:AIBB Tokyo





4-1. スピーカーは、主催者又は主催者の指定した者が次に掲げる方法で講演の著作物を利用することを許諾する。




4-2. スピーカーは、主催者又は主催者の指定した者が次に掲げる方法で講演資料を利用することを許諾する。



4-3. スピーカーは、主催者又は主催者が指定する者がリアルタイムで次に掲げる方法で講演を利用することを許諾する。



4-4. スピーカーは主催者又は主催者が指定する者が次に掲げる方法で講演を利用することを許諾する。










主催者は、主催者又は主催者の指定した者が、第 4 条の規定に基づき講演の著作物又は講演資料を利用する場合には、合理的と認められる方法によりスピーカーの氏名を表示しなければならない。






9-1. スピーカーは、聴衆が有意義な講演を聴講できるよう事前準備を主催者の指定したスケジュールにそって行うことに同意する。

9-2. スピーカーは、原則主催者が指定した講演資料のテンプレートを使用する。

9-3. スピーカーは、講演資料をカンファレンス開催前に主催者又は主催者が指定する者へ提出し、資料許可を得なければならない。


10-1. スピーカーが病欠やその他やむを得ない理由で登壇をキャンセルする場合には、スピーカーが代理を推薦することに同意する。ただし、代理は主催者又は主催者が指定する者の承認が必要であることを了承する。

10-2. スピーカーは、主催者又は主催者が指定した者が、9-1. で同意した相当の準備をしていないと判断した場合、スピーカーをキャンセルする場合があることを了承する。

10-3. スピーカーは、主催者の競合イベントにて講演する際には、事前に申告する必要がある。主催者又は主催者が指定した者が、スピーカーが競合イベントに登壇することにより、主催者のカンファレンスに悪影響がでると判断した場合、登壇辞退を依頼する事があり、スピーカーは、これを了承する。


11-1. スピーカーは、原則ビジネススタイル、ビジネスカジュアルの服装で登壇する。

11-2. スピーカーは、講演時間を厳守する。講演時間を延長した場合、主催者又は主催者が指定した者がセッションが途中であっても強制的に打ち切る事があり、スピーカーはこれに同意する。

11-3. スピーカーは、主催者又は主催者の指定した者に許可を得ていない講演資料を投影しないことに同意する。万一、許可を得ていない講演資料の投影が発覚した場合、主催者又は主催者の指定した者が講演資料を許可しているものに差し替えたり、投影を強制的に止める場合があり、スピーカーはこれに同意する。





Speaker Contract

The Official Speaker/Speaker Applicants (the "Speaker") agrees to these Speaker Terms and Conditions as set forth by Pivot Tokyo K.K. /vueloo inc. (the "Organiser").

Gist of Contract

The Speaker will be a official speaker at the conference set out in the following article, held by the Organizer, and will undertake to do so in good faith. The Speaker agrees that the Organizer will not pay any compensation for speaking.

Content of the Conference

(1) Date: 2025’s event date

(2) Location: Online/offline

(3) Name of the conference: AIBB Tokyo


(1) A work of speech is a speech or dictation by a Speaker in which the Speaker's thoughts or feelings are expressed.


(2) Presentation materials are tangible materials used or distributed incidental to a presentation and containing fixed information on the content of the presentation.

Permission to Use

4-1. the Speaker authorizes the Organizer or a person designated by the Organizer to use the work of the lecture in the following ways

(1) Recording of the session

(2) Taking pictures of the speaker during the session

(3) To write about the session or to prepare the summary of the session.

4-2 The Speaker authorizes the Organizer or a person designated by the Organizer to use the lecture materials in the following ways

(1) Reproduction, distribution and lending

(2) Prepare a summary based on the presentation materials.

4-3. the Speaker authorizes the Organizer or a person designated by the Organizer to use the talk in real time in the following ways

(1) To broadcast the session.

(2) To distribute the session on the Internet

4-4. the Speaker authorizes the Organizer or a person designated by the Organizer to use the lecture in the following ways

(1) Prepare the proceedings and summary of the session.

(2) Transcripts, summary, materials used by the Speaker in the session, English translations of these materials, and photographs of the Speaker (hereinafter referred to as "transcripts"). to reproduce, transfer or rent the information on the official website or report

(3) Distribution of session proceedings, etc. on the Internet

(4) To edit or process the recording of the session

(5) edited or processed recordings of the session, materials used by the speaker, and photographs of the Speaker (hereinafter referred to as "recordings"). Copying, transferring or lending

(6) Distribution of recorded material over the Internet

Opportunity for Checks and Confirmation

When the Organizer or a person designated by the Organizer intends to use the works or materials of the lecture under the provisions of the preceding Article, the Organizer shall give the Speaker an opportunity to confirm the contents of the lecture in advance.

Indication of the name

The Organizer shall indicate the name of the Speaker in a reasonable manner when the Organizer or a person designated by the Organizer uses the works or materials of the session under the provisions of Article 4.


The Speaker warrants to the Organizer that the content of the session will not infringe on the copyrights, moral rights, design rights, trademark rights or any other rights of third parties.

About Speaking at the Session

The Speaker agrees to speak for the purpose of helping to create a space for the education of the audience. The Speaker agrees that the content of the speech is not intended to promote the Speaker personally or the company to which he or she belongs.

Preparation for the Session

9-1. the Speaker agrees to make advance preparations according to the Organizer's schedule to ensure that the audience is able to listen to a meaningful talk.

9-2. The Speaker should use the template of the session materials specified by the Organizer. If you wish to use the others, you need to have an approval from the Organizer.

9-3. The Speaker must submit their presentation materials to the Organizer or a person designated by the Organizer and obtain permission for the materials prior to the conference.


10-1. The Speaker agrees that if the Speaker cancels his or her appearance due to illness or other unavoidable reasons, the Speaker will nominate a substitute. However, it is understood that any substitute must be approved by the Organizer or a person designated by the Organizer.

10-2. The Speaker acknowledges that the Speaker may be canceled if it is determined that the Organizer or a person designated by the Organizer has not made the reasonable preparations agreed to in 9-1.

10-3. The speaker must declare in advance when speaking at the Organizer's competitive events. If the Organizer or a person designated by the Organizer determines that the Speaker's presence at a competing event will adversely affect the Organizer's conference, the Speaker may be asked to withdraw from the event.

About the Session

11-1. The Speakers should be recommended to be dressed in business style and business casual attire.

11-2. The Speaker will keep to the time of the talk. The Speaker agrees that if the time of the session is extended, the Organizer or the person designated by the Organizer may forcibly cancel the session even if it is in the middle of the session.

11-3. The Speaker agrees not to project any speaking material not authorized by the Organizer or the Organizer's designee. The Speaker agrees that in the unlikely event that unauthorized projection of session materials is discovered, the Organizer or a person designated by the Organizer may replace the lecture materials with those permitted, or stop the projection forcibly.

After the Session

The Organizer may take a questionnaire about the session to the participants after the session or the event. The results of the questionnaire may be made available on the Internet. The Speaker agrees with this.


Any matter not provided for in this Agreement, or any matter that differs in interpretation of this Agreement between the Speaker and the Organizer, shall be settled through amicable consultation in good faith on both sides.