Using LLM & Computer Vision in aiding Cloud Deployment - LLM(言語モデル)とコンピュータビジョンを活用したクラウド展開の支援

In our presentation we will present a novel approach to developing and deploying cloud infrastructure using Computer Vision and LLM tools. Our tool will completely transform the playing ground for Cloud Developers, by enabling them to work in a faster and more efficient way.
The workflow of the app changes the lifecycle of development from Plan, Program, Deploy to simply Draw, Click, Done. A developer will only have to draw a schematic of a planned architecture, after which a computer Vision Algorithm will extract all the information from the image and pass it on to a Cloud-Based LLM, which will in turn communicate with the user to fill in missing details from the schematic. If the user confirms that everything is ok, the platform then automatically deploys the infrastructure.
Our session will go deeper into how everything works, both in a technical way and an overview of how this will affect the workday of a developer. A demo is also available as video, to fully see the tool at work.